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Brand Identity Toolkit (Free Download)

Use our free brand identity toolkit to get started on your brand today!

What this Free Toolkit is All About

Standing out from the competition and showing customers who you are from the moment they interact with your brand is the cornerstone of a strong brand identity. From logo, typography, and color to writing tone and voice, your brand extends into every aspect of your business. How do you design an identity that does all of these things? This toolkit will help you do it.

What You’ll Get

Brand Audit Templates

Brand audit templates help you assess the state of your current branding, your competitors’ branding, and opportunities to differentiate.

Brand Attributes Exercise

To help your team come to a consensus about key elements of your brand, the Brand Identity Toolkit includes exercises to draw those out. Use these to speak to key elements you want to convey through your brand.

Branding Brief Template

Whether you take on branding internally or with a professional agency (like Studio Ostendo, hint, hint), a high-quality branding brief keeps your team on the same page throughout the entire branding process.

Brand Identity Checklist

All new brands are more than a logo. This checklist will help ensure you have a comprehensive and cohesive identity.

Kaleb Dean
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Brand Identity Toolkit

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